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Christmas - 2024

Moravian Christmas celebrations draw not only on the scriptural stories of Jesus’ birth, but on the scriptural stories of the beginnings of the church.  The Moravian worship tradition of lovefeast is based on the Christian agape meals described in Acts 2:46: “Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.”  Just as the first believers broke bread together, so do the Moravians, partaking of a simple meal (at Home Church, a bun and sweet coffee) as a symbol of union and equality.

Moravians celebrate lovefeast on special occasions throughout the year, but at Home Church as in many congregations, Christmas lovefeasts include the special element of candlelight.  The tradition of the candle lovefeast began in 1747 in Marienborn, Germany, when a Moravian bishop gave each child attending the service a lighted candle to signify Christ’s kindling a flame of love in their hearts.  The gift of a lighted candle soon became a tradition enjoyed by all ages.

We invite you to join us for lovefeast on Christmas Eve.  (Service times and information are listed below.)  We pray that you will feel Christ’s love kindled in your heart, and know that “the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5).

Lovefeast Details

The Moravian Lovefeast is a modern version of the “agape” meals held in homes during the New Testament-early Christian era. At Home Moravian Church lovefeasts, we generally serve coffee and a sweet bun while hearing choral anthems and singing hymns based on the theme of the service, such as mission, Christmas, Good Friday, or special anniversaries of the church. After everyone has been served by dieners (German for “servers”), a blessing for the meal is spoken: “Come Lord Jesus, Our Guest to be, and bless these gifts bestowed by Thee.”

Everyone partakes while music is provided. A brief message is usually included as part of the service. On Christmas Eve, lighted beeswax candles are passed to everyone, reaffirming faith in Jesus Christ, the Light of the World.

Each Lovefeast includes a prelude which generally includes the Home Moravian Church Band, an organ or instrumental prelude, and special music, such as the Gregor BellChor.

Home Moravian Church 2024 Lovefeast Dates

  • Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 11 a.m. – Christmas Eve Children’s Lovefeast & Candle Service
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 2:30 p.m. – Christmas Eve Family Lovefeast & Candle Service

Livestream Christmas Lovefeasts

Watch the 2023 Lovefeast