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Frequently Asked Questions

As you worship with us and get to know our congregation, we hope you will form meaningful relationships that call you into the deeper commitment of membership.

Membership involves faithful witness to one’s faith in Christ. Home Moravian Church members commit to witness through attendance in worship, participation in Holy Communion, financial contributions to support Home Moravian Church, volunteer service, both inside and outside the congregation, and support of the work of the worldwide Moravian Church.

If, with time and prayer, you feel called to explore membership, your first step is to have a conversation with a pastor to let us know of your interest. Once you have expressed a desire for membership, you will receive instruction about the Moravian Church (if you are unfamiliar with our history and theology) and the Home Moravian Church congregation. Often such instruction is offered through scheduled Inquirers’ Classes, where several people exploring membership can learn together. We will work to provide the education you need in a form that works for you.

The Moravian Church receives members one of three ways: through baptism if you have not been baptized; through the transfer of membership, if you are on the roll of another congregation, or through reaffirmation of faith, if you were once a part of a church but have not been active in membership for some time. A pastor will help you determine which of these three methods of reception is right for you.

Members are received into the congregation during a public service of worship, typically a Sunday morning service.

The sanctuary is open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday, from March through November (except Good Friday). Home Moravian Church members welcome visitors and speak informally about the history of the Moravian Church worldwide. They also share the traditions and ministries of our church since its founding in Salem in 1771. Visitors may hear the pipe organ, learn about the exquisite stained-glass windows, and discover just what it means to be a Moravian.

The sanctuary is open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday, from March through November (except Good Friday). Home Moravian Church members welcome visitors and speak informally about the history of the Moravian Church worldwide. They also share the traditions and ministries of our church since its founding in Salem in 1771. Visitors may hear the pipe organ, learn about the exquisite stained-glass windows, and discover just what it means to be a Moravian.

No! Christ welcomes all to His table of grace.

Moravian lovefeasts are a modern version of the “agape” meals held in homes during the New Testament-early Christian era.

At Home Moravian Church we serve coffee and a bun while singing hymns based on the theme of the service, such as missions, Christmas or Good Friday. After everyone has been served by dieners (German for “servers”) a blessing for the meal is spoken: “Come Lord Jesus, Our Guest to be, and bless these gifts bestowed by Thee.”

Everyone partakes while music is provided. A brief message is usually included as part of the service.

Check the Calendar for more information about upcoming lovefeasts.

A “diener” is a German word for “servant.”  In the Moravian Church, a diener is a man or woman who helps serve coffee or buns during a Lovefeast service.

No, even better! Visitors to the full Candle Tea receive a mug of Moravian Lovefeast coffee (a sweet concoction of coffee, half & half and sugar), plus a generous piece of sugar cake.

Learn More About Being Moravian by Visiting Our Sanctuary During Regular Church Interpretation.

The sanctuary is open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday, from March through November (except Good Friday). Home Moravian Church members welcome visitors and speak informally about the history of the Moravian Church worldwide. They also share the traditions and ministries of our church since its founding in Salem in 1771. Visitors may hear the pipe organ, learn about the exquisite stained-glass windows, and discover just what it means to be a Moravian.

For All Members, the Home Moravian Church Member Portal contains information about various church functions, events, committees, and more. Signing up is easy! Simply complete the registration form, and when you are verified as a member, you will be granted access using your own log in credentials. If you need assistance, contact the Home Moravian Church office at skatona@homemoravian.org.