Welcome Home.

Upcoming opportunities for the Band:
- Sunday, March 30, 2:15pm: Easter Band Rehearsal. Home Church Sanctuary
Find the Home Church Band on Facebook. If you would like to be added to the email notification list, please contact Art Sorensen.
Let’s Go for a Walk!
Join women of Home Church this spring for fellowship and a little fitness through our monthly walk series. We typically walk 2 to 3 miles and finish either at a nearby coffee shop or with a parking lot tailgate. Ready to sign up? Click here. You will receive more details about each walk the week before it takes place; if the weather necessitates that the walk be cancelled, you’ll be notified via email. Need more information? Contact Laura Watson. We’re looking forward to covering a few miles together over the months ahead!
2025 Spring Walk Schedule:
- Saturday, April 5, 8:30 am Downtown Strollway: We’ll meet in front of church and head to the Strollway to walk toward downtown. This walk is paved, a mix of sun and shade, and has a few hills. Post-walk fellowship at Camino on Marshall St.

Art for Albania 2025: Calling All Home Church Artists and Collectors
In 2019, Art for Albania invited local artists, including many from within the Home Church congregation, to support the Moravian Church in Albania through the exhibition and sale of art. Enormously successful, Art for Albania hosted dozens of artists, providing each an elegant opportunity to display and sell their work. Simultaneously, the Sale generated substantial resources to support the work of the Moravians in Albania. The Moravian Church in Albania ministers to some of the neediest people in all of Europe, people who endured decades of communist rule, and who now suffer continuous physical, emotional and spiritual want. The Moravian Church is the Presence of Christ to the needy people it serves.
This year Art for Albania returns on October 11 and will be held as before in the Salem Fine Arts Center. Whether you consider yourself a successful selling artist or simply a lover of creating art, you are invited to become a part of Art for Albania 2025. The show will include graphic work and paintings, fiber and fabric work, pottery and sculpture, jewelry, collage and more. Limited openings exist in any art show of this kind. Home Church artists are given opportunity to participate before any invitation is released to the wider arts community.
In addition to inviting artists to show and sell their work through Art for Albania, the planners hope also that Home Church members will donate existing work from their personal collections. Donations of original work, giclees, limited addition prints and art in any medium will be welcomed. If you have art that you would be willing to contribute to Art for Albania, be assured that the sale of your donated work will benefit struggling Moravian ministries in Albania and the people they serve.
To learn more, or to receive a Prospectus detailing the terms for artist participation, contact David Piner at wdavidpiner@gmail.com or call David at 336-408-6981. Please mark your calendars for Art for Albania, October 11, 2025, 9:00AM to 3:00PM. And spread the word personally and through social media. Come, enjoy the fun, and support the Albania Moravian Church’s crucial work among the least of our brothers and sisters.

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